Thursday, June 01, 2006

What do you want to be?

I am writing this on my experience today.
We live in a complex world; there are things which happen around us which affect us in some way or the other; which affect us to see the world in a different way.
Have you ever wondered how that process works?
To every stimulus (situation), we respond.
How wonderful it would be if we could choose how to respond/react?
Let me share an example i read in a Stephen Covey's book.... The scene is in a airline terminus...there is an announcement which says that the flight is delayed. All of the passengers rush to the help desk & start enquiring. The help desk attendant says the delay is due to a technical issue; to which most of the passengers start shouting & abusing the poor lady who is litreally helpless. The point to be noted is regardless of what the passengers do, the flight "is" going to be delayed. So why react?
The author approaches to the angry passenger, by this time he is furious & looking like he is going to have a attack; makes him understand the situation but comes under attack himself. The author goes back to his waiting lounge, picks out a book & enjoys his cup of coffee; & gets a better service once he is on the flight unlike the rest of the angry (reactive) crowd.
The point i am trying to make here is that every time there is a Stimulus , there is this urge within us which makes us to get back at it immediately; before we know we would have reacted isnt it?
Only if we can hold ourselves back, lets say for about 20-30 secs, & then respond (mind you not react)... try will know what i am talking about. You will see that out of nowhere you will go through this momemtary phase where things just seem pleasant & you are actually not angry for some strange reason.
Be Proactive, not reactive.
So, my question, What do you want to be?

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